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Give your Sales an Instant Boost!

2-Day Boot Camp

Today’s reality does not favor the salesperson.

Buyers are better informed, more cautious, harder to see, and your competition is tougher than ever. And a tough economy simply exacerbates the situation.

The skills worked so well for salespeople a few short years ago are obsolete today. Today’s buyer doesn’t need to be educated. The internet has filled that void. Today’s buyer isn’t looking to be sold, he’s looking for someone who understands his business challenges and can offer creative solutions. Yet salespeople still rely on the old feature & benefit sales pitch, are willing to create proposals for people who have little or no intention of buying from them, and are basically selling the way they have for years. And it’s just not working the way it used to work. It’s much tougher today and it won’t be getting any easier.

What have you done recently to adjust to this new reality? Have you examined your selling skills? Are they ready for today’s challenges and the ones that lie ahead? Do you know how to call higher in your client companies? Are you really differentiating yourself from competition or are you seen as a commodity. (Hint – if you’re getting beat up on price, you’re being commoditized.)

You can’t wing it any longer. If you don’t do something to improve your selling skills, you can look forward to another crappy quarter and another crappy year. It won’t get better by itself.

What to expect…

  • How to take and keep control of the sales process from beginning to end
  • How to eliminate the “premature presentation/proposal” and truly learn to diagnose problems and sell solutions
  • How to get past gatekeepers and spend time with decision makers
  • Understand when and how to discus budget and money issues.
  • Understand how to build value, differentiate from competition, deal with price pressures and sell at higher margins.
  • How to keep your pipeline full with our innovative prospecting techniques
  • Why it’s better to get a “no” early and move on
  • How to prepare for every sales call so you accomplish your objectives
  • How to keep your pipeline full with our innovative prospecting techniques
  • Creative ways to handle the most common stalls and objections
  • How to create rapport with almost anybody
  • How to deal with procurement and sell at higher margins
  • How to prepare for and win at negotiations

So if you’re serious about your profession, if you’re looking for the “secret” that’s been eluding you, you need to sign up for our Common Sense Selling Boot Camp. It will change your life. And we guarantee it.

If you improve your sales process & work smarter, you will be able to sell more and work less.

We limit the number of participants to twenty people per session.
With limited space available you should Sign up Now!